The titles I want to put in my movie are the Main Title first, the “production company” second, and the names of the people starred in the movie. The movie title I came up with was “Lost in Paradise”. Because I was going for a certain aesthetic feel for the moving opening, I chose to give the title a white cursive font. I tried to test out different video effects with the main title, but realized I like the title how it was alone. I plan to incorporate more video effects into my movie without overdoing it. I used a dissolve transition to put together two cut videos of a volleyball falling from the sky and someone catching it from its fall. The audio I used for the video is a song by Petit Biscuit named Sunset Lover. In order to find a song i really liked to go with the idea of the film( nostalgic, summer, relaxing, teen), I looked up Summer mixes on youtube. There were a few that kind of stood out but Sunset Lover was the one that stood out the most. The problems that...