Editing the Film Opening Post 1

  • The titles I want to put in my movie are the Main Title first, the “production company” second, and the names of the people starred in the movie. The movie title I came up with was “Lost in Paradise”. Because I was going for a certain aesthetic feel for the moving opening, I chose to give the title a white cursive font. I tried to test out different video effects with the main title, but realized I like the title how it was alone. I plan to incorporate more video effects into my movie without overdoing it. I used a dissolve transition to put together two cut videos of a volleyball falling from the sky and someone catching it from its fall. The audio I used for the video is a song by Petit Biscuit named Sunset Lover. In order to find a song i really liked to go with the idea of the film( nostalgic, summer, relaxing, teen), I looked up Summer mixes on youtube. There were a few that kind of stood out but Sunset Lover was the one that stood out the most. The problems that i faced during editing was importing the files from my phone to the computer. This problem continued to occur when I tried uploading them to a flash drive using my laptop at home. The problem was resolved just by the computer allowing me to go through with the copying from my phone to my AICE Media file. After using a different computer the next day, it kept giving me an error message but eventually passed on the media from my phone to my file. I spent about 2 hours editing so far just because my videos wouldn’t pass over. The people involved in my editing process was my teacher, Mrs. Henderson and I. She has been extremely helpful in trying to figure out my problems regarding the transfer of files. Because my film needed to include a pivotal moment in it, I would have to add the kidnapping scene to it.


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