Editing the Film Post 2

This time around, I added the name of the production company and who was starred in the film. I used the font Baskerville Cyrillic Std Upright for the names of the actors. Palace ScriptTM Regular was used for the main title. I used a filter on the videos to make it toned and to fit more with the idea of summer. I added fade to black a few times towards the end to signal something more serious and a change in the plot. At the end of the movie, I added a screaming sound effect for when the main character got kidnapped and the sound of the trunk closing and car hastily driving away. The problems I faced while editing was trying to import media from the computer into Adobe Premiere Pro. Some files would show, most wouldn’t. Trying to work out this one issue was very time consuming, but it was resolved by making the most of the shots that were available. I spent about 3 hours total editing the video, mostly trying to get files to open. I was involved in editing my own video and often sought the help of Mrs. Henderson when issues arose. The additional filming I’m looking into doing is something that makes the end of the movie opening make more sense. Right now, the events are very contradicting since it hadn’t been my original idea to add a kidnapping to it, but I want to make the series of events flow better by adding more shots of the kidnappers plotting their action.


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