Preparing to Film

Actors: Berluche Prunier , Chynney Dorvil, Janney Vera, and Arianna Verdecia
The roles in the film will include the main character , other students to satisfy the school setting, and the main character’s best friend.

Costumes: It would be best for the main character to dress nicely and slowly have her outfit looking older and worn out as time passes. Other students will wear casual attire. Makeup could be used to emphasize the passing of time and what effect being trapped in school so long has on the main character.

Props: School, phone , tables, hairbrush, lipgloss, chairs, and bed

Locations: courtyard, school hallways, and a bedroom

Dates and Time: Capture sunrise (6-7a.m.) . Capture sunset (5:30p.m.). The scene of the main  character getting ready in the “morning” could be shot in the morning or at night. It’d be preferable for the scene to be shot in a room with lots of natural sunlight so that a fairytale effect could be given off. The scenes inside of the school should be shot during the normal school day 7a.m.-2p.m. Shadows and lighting could be used to create a more dramatic view. This could also be done through editing.

Scripts -Scene 1- N/A
Scene 2 - (Loud pop music plays in the background)
Scene 3 -[The actors are in the noisy halls]  Actor 1- "Hey! You see the game yesterday??
Actor 2- "There was a game yesterday? Between who?!"
Actor 1- "Bulldogs and Falcons. Falcons won by a score of-" (Words get drowned out by hall chatter)
Everyone else- (Overall chatter, sound overlays of talking)
Main character: "Excuse me!" (continuously bumps against people)
Scene 4- Main Character: "There you are! Ugh, I have so much to tell you. You remember my dog right?"
Best friend: "Yes, of course, I'd love to hear all about it!"
Actor 1, distantly: "Great, let me show you my rabbit! I got pictures on my phone of her."
Best Friend: "I'm coming! You walk way too fast!" (Walks through Main Character)
Main Character: "What the-" (stopped by cut)
Scene 5- N/A
Scene 6- N/A

Film Equiptment: iphone camera , chair with wheels to create certain shots , adobe premiere is pro to edit film openening


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