
Showing posts from January, 2020


In the first box and very beginning of the film opening the titles are shown and continue to show the actor’s names as the frame transitions into the second box. As the main character wakes up and gets ready for school like a normal teenage girl, opening credits are shown at the bottom of the frame. While she gets ready, the environment is all too regular. There’s girly music playing as she gets ready and she sings along to the words as she brushes her hair and looks at her outfit in the mirror. In the third box, the main character is walking among many other students during passing time but notices people running into her and not paying any attention to her as they usually would since she’s a very popular person. In the fourth box, the main character takes sight of her best friend and happily greets her. Her best friend walks right through her. The main character begins to freak out as absolutely no one acknowledges her presence at all and she cannot be heard. In the Fifth box, ...

Film Opening Notes

Rise Great angles Shot variety  Great use of music and sound effects  Led audience at a cliff hanger at end Smooth transitions  Offline Alternating shots  Use of music and sound effects Put together titles  Use of introductory names in beginning  Dear lover Great titles and transition  Great font and soft music Setting and music combo created soft mood  Combined close up with voice over audience is able to hear what protagonist thinks Jump to the future Story to be found out keep audience intrigued  Interesting love story Dare to thrill  Great fonts Shots look great Setting variety  Camera follows movement nicely  Storyline is capturing and alluring to an audience  Always Watching Very dramatic Story goes on Lots of dialogue  Relationship established  Blue boar Dialogue  Reaction shot  Musical lip syncing on point Great sho...

What Inspired Me

      For our project, my group and I have chosen to do a horror film opening. What had drawn me to the horror genre was the mysterious touch it gives to a movie as a whole. Horror movies are unpredictable but predictable in the sense that an audience knows something is bound to take an unlikely turn. Instead of being bright like other movies, horror movies are generally dark and use sound effects to its most useful advantage.       In the movie “Bird Box”, lowkey lighting    is added to create a moody effect. Horror movies tend to start off in what seems to be a normal and unthreatening situation. It later on spirals into a nerve racking thriller. Despite starting off the film normally, lowkey lighting is still used to translate that something is bound to go wrong. In the opening of Bird Box, a woman (main character) is seen sternly giving two children orders to stay quiet and obedient throughout the journey they are soon to embark. The woman ...